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Annual Report 2023: Strategic Advancements and Advocacy Engagement

The year 2023 marks a successful milestone in the midst of our strategic plan for 2021-2025. Five new members have joined the organisation, and three member-led working groups are now active, including the new group focusing on adult education issues. RECI has organised four OROS webinars – Online RECI Open Space – to provide members with the opportunity to exchange their experiences and knowledge.

RECI has redesigned its annual event and transformed it into the Education Forum. The 2023 edition of the Education Forum adopted an unconventional approach using the Open Space method and was organised by the back office with the support of the three RECI working groups. The Education Forum 2023 brought together renowned national and international speakers and participants from across Switzerland and other regions of the world. Lively panel discussions and self-organised workshops facilitated fruitful exchanges. We received many positive reactions to the Open Space method and the event as a whole.

RECI has been actively involved in advocacy efforts, particularly through the organisation of the European and North American regional event for the Global Action Week for Education and by drafting a joint position paper in response to the consultation on the Swiss International Cooperation Strategy 2025-2028. RECI has strengthened its partnerships and networks with various organisations by participating in the International Cooperation Forum Switzerland, the Education Cannot Wait High-Level Financing Conference, and the FOSIT Symposium 2023. RECI has also played a significant role in shaping the launch of the Global Education Monitoring Report 2023 together with our partners Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), UNESCO Switzerland and FoBBIZ.

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