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Our members

Our members are NGOs, academic institutions,foundations and individuals who are active in international cooperation in the field of education and are based in Switzerland or have strong ties to Switzerland through their activities.

Action Education

Action Education is an association for development through education, which has been providing access to quality education for the most vulnerable and marginalised populations, particularly children, girls and women.

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CBM is an international Christian development organisation active in the world's poorest regions to support people with disabilities and prevent avoidable disabilities.

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Comundo is an organisation for cooperation through the exchange of people that strengthens locally engaged organisations by facilitating an exchange of skills, including in educational projects.

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CO-OPERAID is an independent, non-profit Swiss aid organisation committed to the education of children and young people in particular need in Africa and Asia.

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CPA is a foundation that works with the “Syndicat des enseignants romands (SER)” to promote the quality of education, teaching and training in the Global South.

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provides expertise for relevant actions in the field of international cooperation in education. .

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The equal education fund - EEF supports children and young people in Central America and in Southeast Africa. Through our local project partners, they receive access to education as well as comprehensive care.

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Helpcode Switzerland

Helpcode is an organisation that works in Switzerland and around the world to ensure that all children have the protection of a family, a quality school and a community in which they can grow.

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Enfants du Monde

Enfants du Monde contributes to providing quality education and easier access to health services to thousands of underprivileged children, mothers and women around the world.

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Graines de Paix

Graines de Paix is an innovative international NGO, leader in the field of full quality education. This is based on the UN definition of quality education (SDG 4)

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Helvetas is committed to a just world in which all men and women determine the course of their lives in dignity and security, using environmental resources in a sustainable manner.

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Learning Alliance

Based in Geneva, this NGO builds learning alliances between governments, NGOs and academic institutions, promoting participatory research and sustainable development in education.

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The IPE Centre supports schools and organisations with projects in the field of democracy education, career choice orientation, integration and inclusion as well as the promotion of lifeskills.

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The Institute for International Cooperation in Education IZB is a research and development institute of the University of Teacher Education Zug. It places the international dimensions of education at the centre of its work.

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Paeradigms is an NGO/social enterprise focused on transformational outcomes, social change, & sustainable economic impact via capacity development in education, renewable energy, climate change & gender.

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Medicor Foundation

The Medicor Foundation contributes to improving the living conditions of people in need by supporting convincing projects in the fields of education and health.

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NORRAG is a global network on international education and training policy and cooperation founded in 1986 and composed of thousands of members.

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Pestalozzi Children’s Foundation

The non-profit organisation, in Switzerland, is committed to children and young people in Switzerland and in 12 countries. PFC promotes participatory methods and teacher training.

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Rise Uganda

is a Swiss association that promotes access to education in a qualitative and sustainable way in Uganda. We work in partnership with local stakeholders to develop education projects based on strong community implementation.

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SOS Children’s Villages

provides a loving home for children & families in need in 136 countries. Through programmes focusing on education, health, & income generation, we enable children to shape their own futures.

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Salève Foundation

promotes the empowerment of at-risk girls and women, those most vulnerable to social, economic or political exclusion or sexual and gender-based violence, through access to secondary school, skills building and vocational training.

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SVEB (Swiss Federation for Adult Learning) is the umbrella organisation for continuing education. SVEB pioneered work in the field of continuing education and stands for an sustainable system for continuing education.

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Save the Children

has been the world‘s leading children‘s rights organisation since 1919. Locally anchored in 120 countries, StC is committed to giving children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn & protection from harm.

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Swiss Academy for Development

The SA4D is a centre of excellence for sports and development that uses sports and play to empower disadvantaged children and young people in Switzerland and internationally.

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Terre des Hommes Suisse

is an independent non-profit NGO. TdH is committed to the cause of children and a solidarity-based development in 10 countries in partnership with local organisations since 1960

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World Vision

World Vision Switzerland is a foundation whose goal it is to enable children around the world to live free of hunger and poverty, in security, with the chance of an education and a self-determined future.

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Vivamos Mejor

is an NGO that has been fighting against the pronounced social disparities in Latin America since 1981. The NGO is committed to making sure everyone can enjoy a socially active life and contribute to ending the cycle of poverty.

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UNICEF Switzerland and Liechtenstein empowers children around the world to grow up safe and healthy and to reach their potential.

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Individual Members

Oula Abu-Amsha
Practitioner of Education in Emergencies

Jean-Marie Byll Cataria
RECI President

Barbara Class

Research associate at the University of Geneva


Consuelo Guardia M.

Doctoral student in education at the University of Geneva.


Sibylle Ganz-Koechlin
Consultant Intercultural Education and Training

Tina Hascher
Pr. Dr. at the University of Bern, Department of School and Classroom Research

Lisa Isler
Former Director and Head of IC Careers at Cinfo

Malika Kons

Former Deputy Director, Swiss Academy for Development (SA4D)

Rosemarie Lausselet
Owner and Senior Consultant, “Bureau for Training and Development”

Anne Malaplate-Miladinov
Lecturer, French Unit, University of Geneva

Marion Panizzon
Senior fellow, World Trade Institute & University of Bern

Jorge Montoya-Romani
School Psychologist & Educational Sociologist, Montoya-Romani Intercultural

Our Partners

SDC, Swiss Agency for Development and International Cooperation

FoBiZZ, Swiss Forum for Skills Development and International Cooperation

GCE, Global Campaign for Education

UNESCO International Bureau of Education

Swiss Platform Agenda 2030

FOSIT (Federation of NGOs of Italian-speaking Switzerland)

Swiss Commission for UNESCO

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