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The Continuum Basic Education – Vocational Education – Decent Work

© Terre des Hommes Suisse, Senegal

The continuum basic education – vocational education – decent work is a cross-programme approach to overcome breaks in the educational pathways of young people. This approach promotes and strengthens permeability and links between the areas of basic education, vocational training and entry into the world of work. The continuum approach is guided by the concept of lifelong learning as well as Goal 4 of the 2030 Agenda.

The educational pathways of many young people, especially in poorer regions or in the context of migration, are characterised by breaks. These have an impact on the whole of their later lives: further educational opportunities often remain closed to those affected, their chances of finding a good job are minimal and social and economic exclusion is preordained. This makes educational initiatives that contribute to reducing discontinuities along educational biographies all the more important.

The continuum approach is a multi-stakeholder approach: the actors involved – especially teachers, trainers, public authorities, private sector companies – need to look beyond their “horizons”, know each other’s requirements and work together. For this, effective communication and mediation between the different institutions involved are essential.

Many RECI members work more or less explicitly in an educational continuum perspective. As a network, RECI promotes the exchange of experiences among its members and with other interested actors. It networks actors pursuing the same or complementary goals.


OROS: Promoting basic skills for socio-economically disadvantaged young people and adults

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