
NORRAG Special Issue: The Education-Training-Work Continuums
NORRAG Special Issue 8, “The Education-Training-Work Continuums: Pathways to Socio-Professional Inclusion for Youth and Adults,” examines the gaps between education,

Terre des Hommes Suisse and the Declaration of Geneva
Terre des Hommes Suisse initiates a participatory rewriting of the Declaration of Geneva Guided by their experiences and dreams, students

Swiss Platform Agenda 2030: Together for the SDGs
On 25th September, for SDG Flag Day, the Agenda 2030 platform, of which RECI is a member, organised an event

Alarm Bell for Solidarity: Stop Cuts in International Cooperation
The “Sound the Alarm” campaign launched by Alliance Sud warns against the major budget cuts for Swiss international cooperation, currently

eduCoop: The Impact of Education Privatisation
At the Geneva Human Rights Dialogue on the Right to Education (June 2024) organised by the Swiss Commission for UNESCO,

SDC: Thematic Guidelines on Basic Education and Vocational Skills Development
In 2021, the SDC carried out an external review of its education strategy launched in 2017. This confirmed the relevance

Center for Professional Learning: Launch of Professional Development Library for Teachers in Displacement Contexts
Childhood Education International and the Center for Professional Learning have launched the “Open Educational Resource Library”. This online library contains

UNI Bern: Enrollment – CAS Migration and Education: Sustainable migration requires inclusive education
Conflicts, climatic disasters and social inequalities threaten equal opportunities in access to education. It is urgent to be able to

Call for contributions: NORRAG Blog Series on Digitizing Education, Philanthropy in Education and Education Data Gaps
NORRAG is calling for contributions for three series of blogs. The first one focuses on the digitalization of education and

The Global Campaign for Education at the Transforming Education Summit
From September 16-19, 2022, New York will host the UN Transforming Education Summit (TES). The objective of this summit is