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Archives: Events

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Hybrid INEE Minimum Standards Orientation Session

Education Forum 2024: Mind the Gap 2.0 – Back to the Educational Gaps!

OROS – Webinar: Pedagogical Attitudes for Transformative Education

Workshop on RECI Strategy with “Outcomes Harvesting” Method

Review of our General Assembly

Webinar – OROS: Launch & Discussion of the TTQE Recommendations Report

Digital Inclusion & Education: Reflections and Innovative Solutions at the inspirED Event

FOSIT Symposium 2023: RECI in Lugano for Quality Education for All!

RECI Education Forum 2023 “Mind the Gap”

Swiss Launch of the 2023 Global Education Monitoring Report

OROS: Promoting basic skills for socio-economically disadvantaged young people and adults

OROS : Critical Insights from a Vocational Education and Training-Impact Study in Colombia, June 22

Inspir’ED : Challenges and opportunities of teacher training for global citizenship education, June 15, Geneva

Regional workshops: Mobilisation for #GAWE23 and forthcoming advocacy activities

OROS & GCE ENACE Regional Event “Decolonising Education Financing”

Workshop on RECI’s advocacy strategy

RECI General Assembly: great attendance and participation

eduCoop and Enfants du Monde “Multilingualism and interculturality: North-South perspectives

eduCoop : Call for papers for the International Symposium on the Right to Education (S-I-D-E), June 29, 2023.

OROS: From special schools to disability inclusive education systems. The case of Madagascar.

Education Cannot Wait High-Level Financing Conference, February 16-17, Geneva

International Cooperation Forum Switzerland, “Education 4 Future”, February 15-16, Geneva

RECI Thematic Day 2022

Preparatory workshop for an interactive and participatory Thematic Day

Hybrid-Workshop “Education in the development – humanitarian – peace (triple) nexus”

Exchange with the Geneva Global Hub for Education in Crisis Situations

OROS — Gender Sensitive Teaching: Insights from African and Latin American Contexts

RECI Thematic Day 2021: Education Beyond the Pandemic

Event Highlights: Launch and online discussion of the study “The Education – Training – Decent Work Continuum”

Virtual Workshop : Education in Emergencies (EiE) Professional Development

OROS : Global South Perspective on the Right to Inclusive Education

OROS – Play-based Learning : Discovery & Exchange

OROS — Working with Traumized Children in Education

THEMATIC DAY 2020: Key competencies for teachers in a context of development or crisis

RECI Thematic Day 2019 : Teacher Training for Quality Education TTQE

Continuum education – training – work and employment

Thematic Day 2018 : Education and Migration

Thematic Day 2017 : Education in Emergencies

‘Education for All – How can we improve quality?

Thematic Day 2015
