
Hope for Education Financing: UN Launches Historic Global Tax Reform Effort
The UN General Assembly has voted to initiate negotiations for a historic global tax reform, targeting the establishment of new

Global Education Monitoring Report 2024/5: Leadership in Education Unveiled
The 2024/5 Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report, titled “Leadership in Education: Lead for Learning,” provides a comprehensive analysis of progress

Action Education : Reading Marathon to Support Education Worldwide
International Solidarity: Geneva Children Take on a Reading Marathon Challenge to Raise Awareness of the Importance of Education Worldwide Action

Terre des Hommes Suisse : The right to live in territories free from violence
Colombia is facing an upsurge in the forced recruitment of young people into armed groups, and a rise in violence

Testimonial: InZone Project Empowering Refugees
Marion Panizzon, individual member of RECI and English tutor in the project InZone at the University of Geneva, shares her

CO-OPERAID Panel Discussion “Education as a Path to Modernity?”, September 1, 2023
CO-OPERAID is organising a panel discussion on the topic “Education as a Path to Modernity? Indigenous Bangladeshis between Postcolonialism, Rebellion

Save the Children “The Price of Hope: Funding education for the world’s refugee children”, 2023 Report
Save the Children has released a new report titled “The Price of Hope: Funding education for the world’s refugee children,”

Enfants du Monde: How can the languages and cultures of pupils be taken into account in teaching?
As part of the International Seminar on Multilingualism and Interculturality, co-organised on 4 May with the IBE-UNESCO and the University

NORRAG : Portal “Education in International Geneva”
With the collaboration of students from the Geneva Graduate Institute, NORRAG has created a multi-model database that brings together various

Action Education: Mini-series: Girls of today, women of tomorrow
What message would you like to pass on to the little girl you were? This question, which was the subject