OROS — Working with Traumized Children in Education

Event information

This interactive webinar of our OROS – Online RECI Open Space – series was organised by the RECI working group “Education in Emergencies” and moderated by Kostas-Nosa Achile from the University of Teacher Education Zürich (PHZH) who brought his expertise and experience of working with young refugees in Greece.

The webinar focused on understanding mental trauma and toxic stress. It shows how trauma and toxic stress can impact on the mental health of young displaced students. We will address questions such as: how does the brain function in response to deeply upsetting and disruptive events such as war, poverty, poor living conditions or lack of educational opportunities? What are good practices for dealing with trauma in education?

Kostas-Nosa Achile has more than four years of professional experience in Greece, where he provides psychosocial and non-formal educational support to refugees of different ages and trains trainers in life skills educational material. He is very interested in topics such as education, integration, trauma, discrimination and employment. His commitment to these areas motivates him to run interesting programmes for refugee and Greek youth and adults. His background is in psychology (BSc) and educational psychology (MSc). Since March 2020, he is the coordinator of the C.O.R.E project in Greece, developed and supervised by the Zurich University of Teacher Education (PHZH), where he provides life skills training to educators who teach the refugee population in the region of Greece.

OROS – Online RECI Open Space – are online events organised by RECI to foster mutual learning and ongoing exchange between network members and beyond. The content and format are chosen by the members according to their needs, interests and priorities.


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