OROS & GCE ENACE Regional Event “Decolonising Education Financing”

Event information


Thibaut Lauwerier’s presentation : Colonial problem : International influence

Moira Faul’s presentation : Domestic Tax Reform

Will Brehm’s presentation : Illicit Financial Flows

To fund education sustainably, it is time to decolonise education financing !  

Additional finance for education was needed even before the ambitious 2015 Sustainable Development Agenda and the 2022 Transforming Education Summit.  

National education budgets are, as they should, the largest part of education financing. Nevertheless global debates about financing education have focused too long on international aid alone, thus perpetuating the influence international aid on how national education budgets are allocated.  

Colonial biases persist and can lead to a biased interpretation of financial difficulties in the Global South. They reinforce the idea that resource scarcity is due to individual states‘ inability to raise domestic finance. In reality, national budgets are reduced through systematic tax avoidance, evasion and capital flight, while the debt crisis, exacerbated by austerity policies, makes a smaller ‘pie’ to be divided up among citizens and ministries.  

In this webinar, co-organised by RECI and Global Campaign for Education ENACE (European and North American Campaign for Education), we were very pleased to welcome David Archer, Tax Justice Specialist at ActionAid and Stakeholder Coordinator for the UN Transforming Education Summit Action Track on Financing. After his input, the discussion was opened by RECI member co-hosts NORRAG and University of Geneva/eduCoop on the opportunities and challenges arising from the following aspects of education finance:  

  • Domestic resource mobilisation  
  • International aid influence  
  • Illicit financial flows  

Online event for RECI and GCE ENACE members only. 

This event was held in English, with French and Spanish subtitles 

For registration please contact info@reci-education.ch 

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