Hybrid-Workshop “Education in the development – humanitarian – peace (triple) nexus”

Event information

 Die RECI Arbeits­gruppe Bildung in Krisen­situationen organisierte einen Hybrid-Workshop “Education in the development – humanitarian – peace (triple) nexus”: 18. Oktober 2022, 13-15 Uhr in Genf (Geneva Global Hub for Education in Emergencies Workspace) und online.
Nach einer Einführung in das Konzept des Triple Nexus und die Rolle der Bildung, präsentierten Helpcode, World Vision Schweiz/ Liechten­stein und Save the Children Schweiz pro­gramma­tische Erfahrungen und zogen mit den Teil­nehmenden Schluss­folgerungen für künftige Mass­nahmen.


  • Welcome and Tour de Table, moderation by Dr. Oula Abu-Amsha – Expert in Online Learning and Education in Emergencies
  • Introduction of the agenda and the speakers
  • Introduction to the role of education in the concept of “triple nexus” by Sara Habibi-Clarke – Learning Solutions Specialist (UNITAR)
  • Programmatic inputs followed by Q&A sessions
    • Education programming in the Triple Nexus Area Programme Omugo in West Nile, Uganda by Samuel Olweny – Area Programme Manager in Uganda (World Vision)
    • Peace education as a tool for putting the triple nexus in practice and build durable solutions in Mozambique, by Roberta Pellizzoli – Program ManagerMozambique (Helpcode)
    • EiE & social cohesion project in Lebanon by Derya Kaygisiz – Education and Child Protection Specialist (Save The Children Switzerland)
  • Groupwork
  • Synthesis and Closing
  • Joint Coffee and Sweets

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