OROS : Global South Perspective on the Right to Inclusive Education

Event information

On 19 August 2021 two of your colleagues from India and Bangladesh shared their views and experiences. Najma Khatun from Enfants du Monde and Ashish Ghosh from Terre des Hommes Switzerland participated in the course on the human right to education given by the Global Campaign for Education (GCE).

During the webinar, they presented the main lessons learned from the course, which they compared with the challenges they faced in their own countries. In particular, they addressed the issue of inclusive education, which is not only relevant for students with disabilities, but also for young people and children living in remote areas and from minority cultural groups. The webinar will be structured around SDG4 and the principle of „Leave No One Behind“.

OROS – Online RECI Open Space – are online events organised by RECI to foster mutual learning and continuous exchange between network members and beyond. The content and format are chosen by members according to their needs, interests and priorities.

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