OROS — Private Sector Engagement in Basic Education and Lifelong Learning: opportunities and risks for international cooperation

Event information

Recording in French

The involvement of the private sector is growing in education systems, particularly in the COVID19 context, and is unfolding in different ways. The latest UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report (GEMR) on „non-state actors“ presents the main trends in this involvement, while questioning certain beliefs (this issue being very ideologically marked) and proposing a number of recommendations.

In international cooperation, the private sector can be a more or less privileged partner. The objective of this OROS is to better understand how RECI members position themselves with regard to the involvement of this sector, to share the fruitful experiences or the limits encountered with the intervention of the private sector, and finally to highlight a certain number of good practices.

After summarizing the key messages of GEMR 2021/22, and in particular those concerning international cooperation, there will be moments of group reflection and sharing in plenary sessions.

The OROS will be moderated by Thibaut Lauwerier, teacher-researcher at the University of Geneva and individual member of RECI. He is the founder and coordinator of the French-speaking Réseau de Recherche Francophone sur la Privatisation de l’Education (ReFPE), and also contributed to the elaboration of the last GEMR.

This event is only open to RECI members and their partners in the field and will be held in French with English translation if necessary.


OROS (Online RECI Open Space) are online events organized by RECI Swiss Network for Education and International Cooperation that aim to foster mutual learning and ongoing exchange among network members and beyond. The content and format are chosen by members based on their needs, interests and priorities.

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