Hybrid INEE Minimum Standards Orientation Session

Event information

Recording in English with English & French subtitles

Documents & Resources

The INEE Minimum Standards (INEE MS) for Education in Emergencies provide a universal framework for delivering quality education in emergency situations, including conflicts and natural disasters. These standards were developed by the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) first in 2004, updated for the first time in 2010, and a new update will be launched on May 7, 2024 during the Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks in Geneva and online.

The INEE Minimum Standards for Education: Preparedness, Response, Recovery (INEE MS) contain 19 standards organized in 5 domains, each standard  includes key actions and guidance notes. The main purpose of the INEE MS is to increase access to safe and relevant learning opportunities; and to ensure that the actors who provide these services are held accountable. 

RECI is co-organising with INEE a hybrid  orientation session moderated by Oula Abu-Amsha, Learning and Development Coordinator (INEE). 

Orientation Session: the updated INEE Minimum Standards for Education in Emergencies – 2024 Edition

The INEE Minimum Standards 2024 Orientation session is designed to familiarise participants with the purpose and structure of the new edition of the INEE Minimum Standards handbook. Through interactive activities and discussions, attendees learned how to navigate the handbook to identify relevant domains and standards applicable to their work contexts.

This session was not limited to education in emergencies practitioners. It was open to all practitioners, professionals, and actors from the different sectors directly or indirectly involved in education preparedness, response, and recovery across all crisis contexts, with or without prior experience with the INEE Minimum standards

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